Micropower Operation
Single 5V or ±15V Supply Operation
Low Charge Injection
Low R
Low Leakage
Guaranteed Break Before Make
Latch Resistant Design
TTL/CMOS Compatible
Improved Second Source for DG201A/DG202
The LTC?201A, LTC202, and LTC203 are micropower, quad CMOS analog switches which typically dissipate only 250μW from ±15V supplies and 40μW from a single 5V supply. The switches have 65 Ohm typical on resistance and a very high off resistance. A break-before-make characteristic, inherent in these switches, prevents the shorting of two channels. With a supply voltage of ±15V, the signal range is ±15V. These switches have special charge compensation circuitry which greatly reduces charge injection to a maximum of ?25pC (±15V supplies).
The LTC201A, LTC202, and LTC203 are designed for applications such as programmable gain amplifiers, analog multiplexers, sample-and-hold circuits, precision charge switching and remote switching. These three devices are differentiated by the type of switch action, as shown in the logic table.