產品分類 > 放大器 > 零漂移放大器 > LTC1049CS8#TRPBF





Low Power Zero-Drift Operational ...


  • 參數
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參數 數值
Inoise (pA/rtHz) 0.002
Vs Max (V) 18
Ibias (nA) 0.015 (0.05)
Temp Range C, I
Vos TC (uV/C) 0.02 (0.1)
VinCM Low (from V-) (V) 0
Channels (#) 1
Avol (V/mV) 31622
Cload (pF) 50
Rail-to-Rail Out (yes/no) yes
Iout (mA) 6
LF Enoise (uVpp) 3
Shutdown (yes/no) no
Featured no
Rail-to-Rail In (yes/no) no
Type ZD
CMRR (dB) 130
Vos (uV) 2 (10)
PSRR (dB) 130
Vs Min (V) 4.75
Vol (from V-) (V) 0.03
Enoise Density (nV/rtHz) 80
New no
Gain Accuracy (%)
Ts (0.1%) (ns)
Av Max (V/V)
Av Min Stable (V/V) 1
Av Min (V/V)
Over-the-Top (yes/no) no
Is (mA) 0.2 (0.3)
Single Supply (yes/no) yes
Packages DIP-8,SO-8
GBW (MHz) 0.8
SR (V/us) 0.8
Voh (from V+) (V) 0.03
VinCM High (from V+) (V) 1.8
Gain Drift (ppm/C)
Comments Zero drift no external capacitors
Date Added 1984-01-01
Price 1k * $2.15 (LTC1049CN8)

Feature rich, low-power 2.4GHz transceiver designed for industrial and consumer IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee, RF4CE, SP100, WirelessHART?, ISM, and high data rate applications. It is a true SPI-to-antenna solution providing a complete radio transceiver interface between the antenna and the microcontroller. It comprises the analog radio transceiver and the digital demodulation including time and frequency synchronization, and data buffering. All RF-critical components are integrated on a single chip minimizing the number of required external components to the antenna, crystal and decoupling capacitors. The bidirectional differential antenna pins, used for transmission and reception, eliminate the need for an external antenna switch. An internal 128 byte RAM buffers transmit and receive data. Two on chip low dropout (LDO) voltage regulators provide the internal analog and digital 1.8V supply.

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LTC1049CS8#TRPBFPDF下載 點擊下載 點擊下載 RF-to-Digital uModule Receivers
數據表 (英文)
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LT Journal
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LTC1049CS8#TRPBFPDF下載 點擊下載 點擊下載 UMTS Base Station Receiver Fits in Half-Inch Square
文章 (中文)
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LTC1049CS8#TRPBFPDF下載 點擊下載 點擊下載 基站接收器集成化的進展
文章 (英文)
文檔名稱 文檔類型 軟件 描述
LTC1049CS8#TRPBFPDF下載 點擊下載 點擊下載 UMTS Base Station Receiver Module Occupies One-Half Square Inch
產品新聞發(fā)布 (中文)
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LTC1049CS8#TRPBFPDF下載 點擊下載 點擊下載 RF 至數字微型模塊接收器縮減了基站設計的尺寸、成本和面市時間